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Thursday, January 24, 2013

#OpHealth The Earth

#OpHealth The Earth
Join This Event at : http://www.facebook.com/events/582182351807311/
This Op is created to bring spiritual beings together with a purpose of healing the earth. Together will will spread Love light and healing all over this planet. This is the beginning of a Long list of Op's dedicated to healing and working together spiritually

#Op Scientology Germany

Join This Event : http://www.facebook.com/events/198857513591532/203664273110856/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity

Es wird Zeit, das wir Scientology wieder mal so richtig in den Arsch treten! Deswegen, macht mit! Ladet Freunde ein!
Drückt auf "Teilen"! Und ladet eure Waffen.

The time is come that we kick Scientology in the ass again! So, join us! Invite your friends!
Please spread and load your weapons!!

Die ganze Aktion wird am 25.01 um 20Uhr - 26.01 um 22Uhr gehen!

Es wird keiner zum mitmachen gezwungen.
Es ist Scientology, deswegen diese Aktion.

Wer noch weiter unterstützen will:


T1: http://www.scientology.de/

T2: www.scientology.org.au/

T2 isnt Scientology Germany, but it is Scientology too!!

IP for T1= Port 80/443

IP for T2= Port 80/443

Some tools to use:

DOS V3.2 http://www.mediafire.com/?pxv4pbxjg3a2vqa
Loic http://www.mediafire.com/?4exm4kghdcz316u
Hoic V2.1 http://www.mediafire.com/?ddp9d5znwmgsasr
Turbinas V1.0 http://www.mediafire.com/?wo4sh527nf7wais
Slowloris http://www.mediafire.com/?6wbee516qfx6zok
SYN Flood DOS http://www.mediafire.com/?ja4x2odlxn7xcq3
HOTSPOT SHIELD: http://hotspot-shield.softonic.com/
ULTRA VPN: http://ultravpn.softonic.com/
CYBERGHOST: http://cyberghost-classic-vpn.softonic.com/
Tunnelbear 1.0: http://tunnelbear.softonic.com/

big hackpack:
BAMBAM Dos exe (official page for u scary ass loozrs who think we give out viruses)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Anonymous #OPReform

Anonymous | 2013 OP Reform

Announcement : AnonNewsPh
join this event at : http://www.facebook.com/events/192298600908794/197517477053573/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity
"January 21, 2013 - 2nd Wave - Protest and Occupation Time - Batasang Pambansa and any other Government Buildings if you are to far. DDos and Defacing(Optional)

10am to 11am Meet Up / Assembly in Front of Sandiganbayan then we will March to Batasang Pambansa Complex.
Join US ! Be one of US !

- Gorgonio Magalpok (Area Coordinator)


>Anonymous Philippines News : Please Spread for #OpReform<

January 19, 2013 - 1st wave of #OpReform - DDos, Defacing and Campaign(Physical and Cyberspace Operation)

January 20, 2013 - DDos and Defacing for the campaign of #OpReform, (Cyberspace only)

January 21, 2013 - 2nd Wave - Protest and Occupation Time - Batasang Pambansa and any other Government Buildings if you are to far. DDos and Defacing(Optional)

January 22,2013 - 3rd Wave - Padre Faura St.(Front of Supreme Court) - Protest and Occupation - For #OpOccupyFaura(Cybercrime Law issue) and #OpReform(Reboot the Government) , DDos and Defacing(Optional)

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We are United as one, Divided By zero
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
EXPECT US ! 2013 !
Join US !


To taunt the Government and let them know if they will not do their work, we will come to replace them. To show that a movement is coming and to let them know that our minds are awake of their corruptions that make our country ignorant and poor. We will change this government.
Reboot the Government!


OPReform shall be a long term operation handling different smaller operations in the streets as well as in the internet. hoping that it would catch the masses' eyes and surely win their hearts in the incoming election.




we invite all anonymous who's fight for their internet freedom to help us in this battle against philippine goverment who want's to exist/implement the CYBER CRIME LAW (also known as SOPA) this law killing the freedom of speech/expression and give power to the phil.gov to manipulate and monitor our internet freedom.we anonymous philippines are calling all anonymous around the globe to help us to stop this injustice law junk. WE ARE ANONYMOUS WE DONOT FORGIVE WE DONOT FORGET. UNITED AS ONE DIVIDED BY ZERO. Goverment of the world EXPECT US!!
join this event at http://www.facebook.com/events/499677236749477/?notif_t=plan_user_invited

The Lulzsec Dos https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ui74sgfc65fdr/LulzSec%20UDP%20Flooder.zip
 <=== The LulzSec Flooder

DDos LulzSec

DDos Tools for you guys.
Link 1 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pbfirqa0j698q7n(Multi DDoS)
Link 2 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9ls9og34lmv6asm(HOIC)
Link 3 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?oystk627hhubprs(Multi Hacking Tools)

Link 4 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fzzhl60z5yu089f(Defacing tool and Hacking Tools)

and please hide your IP while attacking th tergets.

Hide your ip with this software :-

1. Anchor :- http://to.ly/6WRu
2. HSS :- http://www.hotspotshield.com/en (im using this)
3. VPN Reactor :- https://www.vpnreactor.com/ (Free)
4. Best Free VPN Service :- http://bestfreevpn.com/ (free)
5. Hide My IP :- http://www.hide-my-ip.com/
6. ProXPN :- http://proxpn.com/ (Free)
7. CyberGhost :- https://cyberghostvpn.com/
8. TOR Onion :- https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en
9. SecurittyKiss :- http://www.securitykiss.com/
10. Your Freedom :- http://www.your-freedom.net/index.php?id=downloads
11. Proxygon :- http://www.mediafire.com/?tluqfna49i0xt74

Online DDoS (Coming Soon)

Sunday, January 20, 2013


#OpMcDonalds is simple. Expose McDonalds for the corporate greedy fat bastards they are. Expose how their food is poisoning you and your children. #OpMcDonalds is an ongoing event, and it starts with you, right now. They can expect us.


#OppIndia Phase - 1

Citizens of world we are Anonymous
It came to our attention that their is massive injustice done with womens in India.
Everyday their is new rape case is found in this country.
Also the Corrupt Indian Government is not taking any actions to stop such things.
There is a popular example for this--------
and many more examples are there--------
There is a energetic anger protest is also being supressed by the Government
Use of force against students,womens and old people is not tolrable by Anonymous.
So we came into action to shut down the government
We get many request from many parts to start #OpIndia
As a result we are now back to take down this corrupt Government
We do not want rebellion neither we want to overthrow the Government , we just want a revolution and all of us know that revolutions are only done by our united effort .
so keeping it in mind join hands.........................
United as One
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Fogive
We do not Forget
Expect us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. http://www.delhipolice.nic.in/
2. (removed)
3. http://www.aicc.org.in/new/index.php
4. http://pmindia.nic.in/
Targets have been locked!!!!!!!!!

http://www.mediafire.com/?j3dfm92mcui2d5l <=== The LulzSec Flooder
DDos LulzSec

DDos Tools for you guys.

Link 1 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pbfirqa0j698q7n(Multi DDoS)
Link 2 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9ls9og34lmv6asm(HOIC)
Link 3 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?oystk627hhubprs(Multi Hacking Tools)

Link 4 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fzzhl60z5yu089f(Defacing tool and Hacking Tools)

and please hide your IP while attacking th tergets.

Hide your ip with this software :-

1. Anchor :- http://to.ly/6WRu
2. HSS :- http://www.hotspotshield.com/en (im using this)
3. VPN Reactor :- https://www.vpnreactor.com/ (Free)
4. Best Free VPN Service :- http://bestfreevpn.com/ (free)
5. Hide My IP :- http://www.hide-my-ip.com/
6. ProXPN :- http://proxpn.com/ (Free)
7. CyberGhost :- https://cyberghostvpn.com/
8. TOR Onion :- https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en
9. SecurittyKiss :- http://www.securitykiss.com/
10. Your Freedom :- http://www.your-freedom.net/index.php?id=downloads
11. Proxygon :- http://www.mediafire.com/?tluqfna49i0xt74

Online DDoS (Coming Soon)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

#Opp Green Internet

OP is intended to remove sites that contain insults, harassment and defamation of religion. also to eliminate sites containing pornography excessive, phedofilia, beastiality or zoophilia
join this event:


Target url => http://www.faithfreedom.org/
Target IP 1 => 141 101 117 239
Target IP 2 => 141 101 116 239
Server 1 =>
Server 2 =>

Port => 80; 8080
http://www.mediafire.com/?j3dfm92mcui2d5l <=== The LulzSec Flooder
Dos LulzSec
DDos Tools for you guys.

Link 1 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pbfirqa0j698q7n(Multi DDoS)
Link 2 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9ls9og34lmv6asm%28HOIC%29
Link 3 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?oystk627hhubprs(Multi Hacking Tools)

Link 4 :- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fzzhl60z5yu089f(Defacing tool and Hacking Tools)

and please hide your IP while attacking th tergets.

Hide your ip with this software :-

1. Anchor :- http://to.ly/6WRu
2. HSS :- http://www.hotspotshield.com/en (im using this)
3. VPN Reactor :- https://www.vpnreactor.com/ (Free)
4. Best Free VPN Service :- http://bestfreevpn.com/ (free)
5. Hide My IP :- http://www.hide-my-ip.com/
6. ProXPN :- http://proxpn.com/ (Free)
7. CyberGhost :- https://cyberghostvpn.com/
8. TOR Onion :- https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en
9. SecurittyKiss :- http://www.securitykiss.com/
10. Your Freedom :- http://www.your-freedom.net/index.php?id=downloads
11. Proxygon :- http://www.mediafire.com/?tluqfna49i0xt74

Online DDoS (Coming Soon) coding bye sheikh viirus,roei kabala,and anonymous


#Opp Evolucionarios

TARGET==> https://www.evolucionarios.ec/

Raid Call: ID: 5512998
*hermanos esta #OP se dio porque ahy en Ecuador un grupo contratado por el gobierno ecuatoriano llamado "HACKERS EVOLUCIONARIOS" ellos son encargados de perseguir a Anonymous Ecuador y meterlos a prision por ellos hermanos de Ecuador se encuentran en prision, debemos actuar en contra de ellos, no permitiremos que un pais quede vulnerable al gobierno*

*hermanos y hermanas, lo logramos, el dia 6 de enero atakamos lo mas que pudimos y lo logramos, vulneramos su seguridad y lo logramos, su pagina que colgo por un tiempo, pero eso no los va detener, como les iva disiendo seguiremos hasta que desaparesca estos jodedores de nosotros, no pemitiremos que metan presos a hermanos, seguiremos en 5 dias mas se reaunudara el atake*

-Somos uno,Somos todos.
-Somos Anonymous.
-Somos Legion.
-No Perdonamos.
-No Olvidamos.


* # OP brothers this was because in Ecuador ahy a group hired by the Ecuadorian government called "evolutionary HACKERS" they are responsible to pursue AnonymousEcuador and put them to prison for their brothers in prison Ecuador countries, we must act against them , will not allow a country has become vulnerable to the government *
-We are one, we are all.
-We are Anonymous.
-We are Legion.
-Do not forgive.
-We do not forget.


Horarios para el atake
12/01/2013 En la noche
Ecuador 8:30
Mexico 8:30
Honduras 8:30
Argentina 8:30
Peru 8:30
Chile 8:30
Venezuela 8:30
Costa Rica 8:30

#OpPolicia Cibernetica

Saludos Mundo, Somos Anonymous
Hemos montado un ataque en contra de la Policia cibernetica, la cual esta realizando persecuciones en contra de nuestros hermanos en Mexico, al parecer para el gobierno es un delito protestar en contra de aquellos actos los cuales consideramos incorrectos.
Estamos pidiendo no su ayuda, pero si que ataquen con nosotros y nos ayuden a protestar en contra de la Corrupcion, la persecucion y todas aquellas cosas que el Gobierno esta violentando y que a nosotros el pueblo esperan que nos quedemos de brazos cruzados.
Pero no, haremos un alto, Policia Cibernetica, esperennos.
No perdonamos
No Olvidamos

Greetings World, We are Anonymous
We mounted an attack against cyber police, which is carrying out persecution against our brothers in Mexico, apparently for the government is a crime protest against those acts which we consider wrong.
We are not asking for your help, but if they attack us and help us protest against corruption, persecution and all the things that the government is violating and that we the people expect us to stay idle.
But no, we will stop, cyber police, wait for us.
We do not forgive
Do not forget

TARGET http://policiacibernetica.jalisco.gob.mx/

Port 80