Saturday, December 15, 2012



Greetings Citizens of the world, this is Anonymous. It has come 

to our attention that there are many hate websites still up and 

running. We must systematically destroy any and all websites 

that we deem a hate website. We call on the Anonymous collective

to hack, deface, dox, DoS, hijack, database leak, admin

takeover, 404 and DNS terminate all of such hate websites. To

the hate groups on the internet, Anonymous has grown tired of

your hate and you will see the result of your hate. Cyber war

has been declared on the these such hate websites. Haters the

angel of death has been called to your websites. We are

Anonymous, We are Legion, We do not Forgive, We do not Forget,

You should of Expected Us. Sheikh ViiRuS #OpBlitzkrieg phase 2

DDos Tools for you guys.

Link 1 :- DDoS)
Link 2 :-
Link 3 :- Hacking Tools)

Link 4 :- tool and Hacking Tools)

and please hide your IP while attacking th tergets.

Hide your ip with this software :-

1. Anchor :-
2. HSS :- (im using this)
3. VPN Reactor :- (Free)
4. Best Free VPN Service :- (free)
5. Hide My IP :-
6. ProXPN :- (Free)
7. CyberGhost :-
8. TOR Onion :-
9. SecurittyKiss :-
10. Your Freedom :-
11. Proxygon :-

Online DDoS (Coming Soon)